Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Georgia Highlights

Jared and I went to Georgia to see my fam the first week of November. My two nephews, Cory and Tyler flew out as well, so we had a mini-reunion! Robbie and I took the boys to Helen, Georgia for the day.

We had an early Thanksgiving Dinner at Robbie and Richard's Home. We were able to bring mom over for the meal.

This is a cute picture of Mom, Robbie and Richard:

Jeremy's wife, Courtney and their son, Connor.

Dale and Que's son, Aidan:

We topped off the trip with a visit to the Georgia Aquarium:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween 2009

We spent Halloween in the Salt Lake Valley near our grandchildren this year. Earlier that day we went to Park City to view a Lego Exhibit at the Kimball Art Museum entitled, "The Art of the Brick" by Nathan Sawaya. Here are a few of the amazing pieces we saw:

Jared, Sophie and Mya dressed up for Halloween. Jared was "Jimmy Canoose" (whoever that is). Sophie was a little lady bug and Mya was her favorite Disney character, Snow White.