Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mya's Visit

Mya's Hands are full of Rocks

Roger, Mandy and Mya came to visit us over President's Day Weekend.  We went to the Parade of Homes and had a great time together.  Mya is so much fun.  She goes a mile a minute and wants to take us with her.  She especially loves: dirt, rocks, Grandmother's fur throw on her bed, and food!  Here are some photos from their visit.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sophie at her new home in Grapevine, Texas

These are some of my favorite photos I took while visiting in Texas
January 28th-February 11th 2009

Sophie's Blessing

Sophie was blessed by her father, Bryson on January 25th, 2009 at Bryson's parents home. Several family members were in attendance.

Mya and Sophie's Photo Shoot

My two granddaughters are so photogenic, don't you think?

Sophie's Birth Announcement

Sophie's Birth Announcement was created by Aunt Mandy Woodhouse

Photos of Sophie at Home

All of these photos were taken by Mandy Woodhouse, Sophie's Aunt.

Sophie's Birth

Sophie Lyn Kearl was born on January 12, 2009 at 8:46 p.m.  She weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.  She and her parents came home from the hospital on January 14th and stayed with us in our Draper house until it was time for the move to Texas.

What was I doing in Grapevine Texas anyway?

My Visit to Grapevine Texas
On January 28th, 2009, Tara, Sophie and I arrived at the Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas.  Why, you might ask?  Well, where do I begin? In the fall of 2008 we learned that Bryson had accepted a job with Texas Wasatch Group located in the suburbs of Dallas.  We were happy for Tara and Bryson but couldn't believe they would haul their newborn away from us, when we had just made our acquaintance.  What a rip!  They found an apartment on line and made the other arrangements for the move.  Their baby was due on January 1st, and they hoped that she would make her appearance before the end of the year.  Not only was that not to be, but she made us all wait until January 12th if you can believe that.  But we were so happy to see her, we didn't mind at all.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

28 Years Together

Wedding Day February 14, 1981

On February 14th, 2009, we celebrated our 
28th Wedding Anniversary.  
This year we stayed at home because Mandy, Roger and Mya 
came down to visit us for the weekend.  
We exchanged Valentines and treats and had a breakfast 
of strawberry waffles.  
We got a sitter for Mya and went to the Parade of Homes.  
That night we had grilled hamburgers and 
Scott's famous french fries.  It was a good 28th Anniversary.

Latest Photo Together- September 5, 2008