Monday, March 16, 2009

Asian Arm Wrestler

Here is a cute video of Jared arm wrestling a Taiwan gentleman at a nursing home. Watch Jared's expressions!

My Missionary

My son, Jared has been in Taiwan for 18 month (as of March 5th).  He is doing well and continues to find joy in serving the Lord.  The top picture shows him and one of his companions with a class of Taiwan students they teach English to.
Here is a recent excerpt from one of his e-mails:
"We learned that on July 1 of this year Taiwan will be divided into only two missions (Taipei and TaiZhong).  It has been three separate missions (Taipei, TaiZhong, and GaoXiong) for some time, so this was news forsooth. After the conference Elder You and I met with Sister Cai, the investigator we started working with last transfer.  She is the girlfriend of Brother Bai, in our ward. She passed her baptismal interview this past Sunday after church.  As we met with her yesterday, I saw someone who was prepared to follow the Savior's example.  She has spent time reading the Book of Mormon and praying to Heavenly Father.  Those two simple (but vital) things along with coming to church are all a sincere individual needs to do to know the Church is true.  It worked for her.  It worked for me.  I have seen it work on others.  Her baptism is scheduled for this Friday at 7:30 p.m."