~News From Our Neck of the Woods~
*Jared: He arrived home from Taiwan after serving the Lord for two years.
He moves to Provo, Utah at the end of December and begins school at BYU on January 4th.
*Mandy, Roger and Mya Woodhouse: Mya turned two in October. Roger started a new job as Operations Manager for American Prep Academy in West Valley, Utah.
They are expecting our third granddaughter in the next few weeks: Savannah Lynn!
*Tara, Bryson and Sophie Kearl: Sophie is our newest family member,
arriving on January 12th, 2009! After a short stint in Texas, the Kearls have moved back to Sandy and Bryson started a new job with Heritage Music Festivals in West Valley, Utah.
*Scott and Galyn: Galyn was recently released as Stake Young Women’s President. Then she and Scott were called to be in charge of Youth Conference for next year. Scott had a rotator cuff injury and had to miss lots of tennis games, but he has mended well.
We are all grateful for the Christmas Season
and send our love and best wishes to each of you at this time of year.
May the Lord bless you and your families now and always.
Love, Scott & Galyn & Family